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Primitive Antique wooden stand. betty lamp, hat stand, unique piece - $75 - (Spirit Lake, IA)

You don't see these around very often. I purchased as a betty lamp stand and have not been able to find much information about it. Looks to be home made and very old.Please look at all pictures for details about condition and feel free to ask any questions.If you like unusual,rare or unique items for your home, this is a great one for you.Thank You!!

Primitive Antique wooden stand. betty lamp, hat stand, unique piece
Primitive Antique wooden stand. betty lamp, hat stand, unique piece
Primitive Antique wooden stand. betty lamp, hat stand, unique piece
Primitive Antique wooden stand. betty lamp, hat stand, unique piece
Primitive Antique wooden stand. betty lamp, hat stand, unique piece


Posted in Spirit Lake, IA, Antiques
From - 1 month ago