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1958 Oldsmobile promo Interior. includes Tub, Dash and steering wheel 1:25 scale - $16 - (Trimont, MN)

1:24 1:25 Resin Interior Tub is the same as the one that came in 58 Olds Promo. Decko Quality Parts.

1958 Oldsmobile promo Interior. includes Tub, Dash and steering wheel 1:25 scale
1958 Oldsmobile promo Interior. includes Tub, Dash and steering wheel 1:25 scale
1958 Oldsmobile promo Interior. includes Tub, Dash and steering wheel 1:25 scale
1958 Oldsmobile promo Interior. includes Tub, Dash and steering wheel 1:25 scale
1958 Oldsmobile promo Interior. includes Tub, Dash and steering wheel 1:25 scale


Posted in Trimont, MN, Toys & Games
From - 1 month ago