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Vintage Beijing Chinese Silk Thread Embroidered Pillow Covers~Don Huang~5 Covers - $58 - (Elm Grove, LA)

5 Pillow covers. One has a small tear in seam. Everything else looks good. If you want, I can ship pillow covers only and take out the pillow. The shipping would be a few dollars less. Please look at the pictures and email me with any questions.

Vintage Beijing Chinese Silk Thread Embroidered Pillow Covers~Don Huang~5 Covers
Vintage Beijing Chinese Silk Thread Embroidered Pillow Covers~Don Huang~5 Covers
Vintage Beijing Chinese Silk Thread Embroidered Pillow Covers~Don Huang~5 Covers
Vintage Beijing Chinese Silk Thread Embroidered Pillow Covers~Don Huang~5 Covers
Vintage Beijing Chinese Silk Thread Embroidered Pillow Covers~Don Huang~5 Covers


Posted in Elm Grove, LA, Household Items
From - 1 month ago