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Merrow MG-3U Emblem Patch Edge Sewing Machine w/ CUSTOM TABLE, STAND & MOTOR - $3,099 - (Tupper Lake, NY)

Merrow MG-3U in incredible condition. Purchased new in 2017. Only used to make approximately 60 patches. Melamine board arrived with 2 small hairline cracks. does nothing to the product. These are hard to find used. Will arrive in separate boxes that may arrive apart from one another, although they shouldn't. I'll try to ship without taking removing absolutely everything if possible. Also comes with a few spools of thread, never used.

Merrow MG-3U Emblem Patch Edge Sewing Machine w/ CUSTOM TABLE, STAND & MOTOR
Merrow MG-3U Emblem Patch Edge Sewing Machine w/ CUSTOM TABLE, STAND & MOTOR
Merrow MG-3U Emblem Patch Edge Sewing Machine w/ CUSTOM TABLE, STAND & MOTOR
Merrow MG-3U Emblem Patch Edge Sewing Machine w/ CUSTOM TABLE, STAND & MOTOR
Merrow MG-3U Emblem Patch Edge Sewing Machine w/ CUSTOM TABLE, STAND & MOTOR


Posted in Tupper Lake, NY, Business for Sale
From - 1 month ago