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Handwoven The Three Weavers Gear wool throw pinks blues creams blanket - $15 - (Laurens, IA)

Pretty, hand woven, 100% virgin wool throw from The Three Weavers Gear. It's a pretty blend of blue, pink and cream. Nice sturdy and thick blanket Measures 36 x 49" with additional 5" fringe on the two ends.

Handwoven The Three Weavers Gear wool throw pinks blues creams blanket
Handwoven The Three Weavers Gear wool throw pinks blues creams blanket
Handwoven The Three Weavers Gear wool throw pinks blues creams blanket
Handwoven The Three Weavers Gear wool throw pinks blues creams blanket
Handwoven The Three Weavers Gear wool throw pinks blues creams blanket


Posted in Laurens, IA, Household Items
From - 1 month ago