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Vtg Clay City Pipe Co Tile Mecca Indiana Cap Coping Roof Ridge Brick Wall Cap - $50 - (Champaign, IL)

Vintage Antique Used V-Slant Wall Coping Tile Stamped - Clay City Pipe Co. Mecca, Indiana The "Clay" part of stamp is illegible or weak For 9" or less block or brick parapet wall Outside dimensions - body width 10 - 3/4" - 13 - 1/8" at end, bell Length 26" Inside saddle, varies a bit - 9" - 9 - 1/4", the distance. Weighs 20 pounds +-

Vtg Clay City Pipe Co Tile Mecca Indiana Cap Coping Roof Ridge Brick Wall Cap
Vtg Clay City Pipe Co Tile Mecca Indiana Cap Coping Roof Ridge Brick Wall Cap
Vtg Clay City Pipe Co Tile Mecca Indiana Cap Coping Roof Ridge Brick Wall Cap
Vtg Clay City Pipe Co Tile Mecca Indiana Cap Coping Roof Ridge Brick Wall Cap
Vtg Clay City Pipe Co Tile Mecca Indiana Cap Coping Roof Ridge Brick Wall Cap


Posted in Champaign, IL, Antiques
From - 1 month ago