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Vintage Mid-Century Modern Ceramic Siamese Cats TV Lamp likely Kron - $40 - (Corsicana, TX)

Ceramic Siamese Cats Lamp, mid-century modern, likely by Kron but I do not see any markings to confirm. Lamp is in very good shape with the exception of a large chip in the back where the lighting attaches. Lamp is 12 1/2" tall and 12" long. Light crazing. Thanks for looking.

Vintage Mid-Century Modern Ceramic Siamese Cats TV Lamp likely Kron
Vintage Mid-Century Modern Ceramic Siamese Cats TV Lamp likely Kron
Vintage Mid-Century Modern Ceramic Siamese Cats TV Lamp likely Kron
Vintage Mid-Century Modern Ceramic Siamese Cats TV Lamp likely Kron
Vintage Mid-Century Modern Ceramic Siamese Cats TV Lamp likely Kron


Posted in Corsicana, TX, Household Items
From - 1 month ago