ORIGINAL Complete Set Of Six Paintings By Frank MacIntosh Created For Matson - $95,000 - (Honolulu, HI)
ULTIMATE COLLECTORS FINDNEVER BEFORE SHOWN OR AVAILABLEThe amazing complete set of six of all original paintings created by Frank MacIntosh for Matson Cruise Lines menus. Never before have these stunning paintings been up for sale and have only been shown once in show.Measurements: 8"x10", Matted and archive framed in beautiful Koa 21.5"x 26"Provenance:Lurline Matson Roth 1890-1985 Alfred Hartwell Carter 1896-1985 (Manager of Parker Ranch)These beautiful original works of art by Frank Macintosh were commissioned by Matson and the originals were give to Lurline as a token of appreciation by the artist. These were later gifted to AW Carter, a close friend, on Christmas 1959. They were obtained by Mark Blackburn when he bought the contents of the Carter estate a number of years back in Kamuela Hawaii.They are all archive matted and framed in premium koa Frank MacIntosh was born in Portland, Oregon in 1901. He moved to San Francisco to study art, where he graduated from the California School of Fine Arts. After briefly opening a studio in San Francisco, he moved to New York and then to Paris to continue his studies. MacIntosh established himself as an illustrator, designing numerous Art Deco style covers for Asia magazine. In the 1930's, MacIntosh was commissioned by the Ocean Shipping Company Matson to produce several menu covers for their Hawaii-bound routes to illustrate the romantic appeal of Hawaii travel. His vividly stylized images remain an iconic symbol of Hawaii during that era.

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