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Crown XLS2502 775W Power Stereo Amplifier slightly used - $475 - (Sault Ste. Marie, ON)

This amp was used 4 times before loosing our jam room. Its been placed back in its box since july1st. It is basicly brand new. buy it now for a low 475.00 shipped for free anywhere in the continental USA or Canada. Check out my other great deals !! The Crown XLS 2502 Stereo Power Amplifier offers 775W at 4 Ohm in a lightweight chassis using the company's ultra-efficient DriveCore Class D amplification platform. The amplifier includes built-in DSP with a dedicated band pass filter per channel, an integrated PureBand Crossover System, and Peakx Limiters to provide maximum output while protecting your speakers.

Crown XLS2502 775W Power Stereo Amplifier slightly used


Posted in Sault Ste. Marie, ON, Music Instruments
From - 1 month ago