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Studio Art Glass Artist Signed Snh? Soh? Gourde Swirl Lovley - $60 - (Rosharon, TX)

Very nice little studio vase. The bottom has a signed mark, looks like SNh or Soh and a number 11182& or 11162 I have tried to research the artist with little luck. Here is what I do know this vase came from a high end estate where the original owner collected amazing art , sterling and decor. This may be a jackpot I'm just not sure. The original owners daughter mentioned this exquisite piece but she talked faster then I could write and I just don't remember the story behind it My loss may be your gain. $6.99 shipping to lower 48 only

Studio Art Glass Artist Signed Snh? Soh? Gourde Swirl Lovley
Studio Art Glass Artist Signed Snh? Soh? Gourde Swirl Lovley
Studio Art Glass Artist Signed Snh? Soh? Gourde Swirl Lovley
Studio Art Glass Artist Signed Snh? Soh? Gourde Swirl Lovley
Studio Art Glass Artist Signed Snh? Soh? Gourde Swirl Lovley


Posted in Rosharon, TX, Household Items
From - 1 month ago