MTG -Custom Casual Deck - Dragon Vengeance - 60 Card Deck-Magic the Gathering - $19 - (Gonzales, TX)
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Posted 1 month ago
Ready to play custom casual deck. Color: Red / Green / Multi-ColorFull 60 card deck - 21 Creatures / 17 Spells / 6 Lands / 14 Non-basic lands / 2X Artifact Lands include: 6 Mountains / 4X Gruul Guildgate / 4X Kazandu Refuge / 4X Timber Gorge / 2X Shivan Oasis Spells include: 10 Red spells / 7 Green spells / 2X Artifact (Atarka Monument) Creatures include: 6 Multi-Color Creatures (Red / Green) / 1 Green Creature / 14 Red Creatures Theme: Dragon Vengeance Includes: 1X Atarka, World Render (Dragon) / 1X Harbinger of the Hunt (Dragon) 1X Dragonspeaker Shaman / 2X Crucible of Fire

From - 1 month ago