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175 horse steam boiler - 300 PSI diesel or gas fired - Navy surplus rebuilt - $49,500 - (Yorktown, VA)

Four (4) Clayton 175 horsepower steam boilers rated at 300 PSIG design pressure firing #2 diesel fuel.The four boilers are currently installed, piped and wired in a 40' long trailer. The 4 boilers and trailer are an optional price quote. You are bidding on one boiler with the option to purchase additional boilers. The price includes fire testing and optional delivery to a Virginia export dockNatural gas firing available at an additional

175 horse steam boiler - 300 PSI  diesel or gas fired - Navy surplus rebuilt
175 horse steam boiler - 300 PSI  diesel or gas fired - Navy surplus rebuilt
175 horse steam boiler - 300 PSI  diesel or gas fired - Navy surplus rebuilt
175 horse steam boiler - 300 PSI  diesel or gas fired - Navy surplus rebuilt
175 horse steam boiler - 300 PSI  diesel or gas fired - Navy surplus rebuilt


Posted in Yorktown, VA, Business for Sale
From - 1 month ago