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Waukesha F18GLD 400HP natural gas engine - $40,000 - (Orrville, OH)

Waukesha F18GLD 400 HP in great condition has 10000 Hrs on a certified reman overhaul it comes on a stand with double disc rockford clutch and jack shaft murphy safety shutdown and remote radiator with 25 hp motor on fan all in great running condition we put gensets in so we no longer need it

Waukesha F18GLD 400HP natural gas engine
Waukesha F18GLD 400HP natural gas engine
Waukesha F18GLD 400HP natural gas engine
Waukesha F18GLD 400HP natural gas engine
Waukesha F18GLD 400HP natural gas engine


Posted in Orrville, OH, Business for Sale
From - 1 month ago