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Vintage Stewart McCulloch California Art Pottery Porcelain Leaping Deer Figurine - $13 - (Oconee, IL)

Up for sale is a Stewart McCulloch Leeping Deer in good preowned condition. It measures approx 9.25 inches tall by 7 inches wide and 2.5 inches in diameter. It is in good preowned condition without chops or cracks. I have included many photos to use as a reference for the item condition. It is sold as is. Great collectible deer!! Thanks for looking!!

Vintage Stewart McCulloch California Art Pottery Porcelain Leaping Deer Figurine
Vintage Stewart McCulloch California Art Pottery Porcelain Leaping Deer Figurine
Vintage Stewart McCulloch California Art Pottery Porcelain Leaping Deer Figurine
Vintage Stewart McCulloch California Art Pottery Porcelain Leaping Deer Figurine
Vintage Stewart McCulloch California Art Pottery Porcelain Leaping Deer Figurine


Posted in Oconee, IL, Household Items
From - 1 month ago