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Antique BEEBE Binocular Loupes Magnifying Glasses Optic American Optical Co. - $35 - (Fairmont, MN)

From the estate of a local optometrist, here's a pair of BEEBE binocular loupe glasses from the early 1900s. They are in excellent condition with no damage to the lenses. I've listed several other optometrist's item from this estate on eBay. Thanks for looking.

Antique BEEBE Binocular Loupes Magnifying Glasses Optic American Optical Co.
Antique BEEBE Binocular Loupes Magnifying Glasses Optic American Optical Co.
Antique BEEBE Binocular Loupes Magnifying Glasses Optic American Optical Co.
Antique BEEBE Binocular Loupes Magnifying Glasses Optic American Optical Co.
Antique BEEBE Binocular Loupes Magnifying Glasses Optic American Optical Co.


Posted in Fairmont, MN, Antiques
From - 1 month ago