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Witten Creek Farm Friesian Heritage Foals coming Spring 2019 prices vary - $3,500 - (Graysville, OH)

Coming this Spring!! We have 6 mares in foal to our FHANA stallion Vorn MFF. Vorn is by Doaitsen 420 the USEF Sire of the year in 2016 and 2017 and out of a crown mare sired by Beart 411. We also have 2 more mares in foal 1 bred to Gerryt S.F. Mintse 384 x Tsjerk 328 and one in foal to Tjerk fan Bonnie View Tsjerk 328 x Tije 401. Foals will be priced sometime after birth and will be based on several factors including conformation attitude and aptitude. Prices will start at 3500 and go up from there. Expected size range for these foals is maturing at 15.2hh and up. Vorn stands 16.1hh and the mares are fifteen hh and up. Our mares that are bred to Vorn start with our registered black and white tobiano Gypsy VannerPercheron cross mare due 325. Due next are 2 FHH registered 50 Friesian mares Dixie Mintse ft Friesian Connection x Morgan and DaisyEdison ft Friesian Connection a 17.1hh FriesianPercheron cross.


Posted in Graysville, OH, Animal and Pets
From Equine Now - 1 month ago