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42 Balls Tatting Crochet Cotton Thread Vintage Lot Star Coats&Clarks Variegated - $30 - (Hermann, MO)

Here is a Lot of 42 Balls of Vintage Tatting and Crochet Thread. Coats and Clark's and Star are the brands (there is a purple top row that does not have a paper label inside so not sure brand or type of thread but these all came from the same estate and are being sold as found. Some appear new, others lightly used and a couple have been used. Two of the green have some discoloration/age on the outer portion of thread which can be seen in photos. No foul odors. Please see pictures and email with any questions. Thanks for Looking.

42 Balls Tatting Crochet Cotton Thread Vintage Lot Star Coats&Clarks Variegated
42 Balls Tatting Crochet Cotton Thread Vintage Lot Star Coats&Clarks Variegated
42 Balls Tatting Crochet Cotton Thread Vintage Lot Star Coats&Clarks Variegated
42 Balls Tatting Crochet Cotton Thread Vintage Lot Star Coats&Clarks Variegated
42 Balls Tatting Crochet Cotton Thread Vintage Lot Star Coats&Clarks Variegated


Posted in Hermann, MO, Arts & Crafts
From - 1 month ago