Insinger Commercial Restaurant / Kitchen Undercounter Dishwasher RL-30 - $1,700 - (Bryan, TX)
Came from a local university when they upgraded equipment. Was working properly before it was removed from service. Either local pickup or freight shipping is acceptable. Features a durable and insulating double-wall construction that dramatically reduces noise during operation. Additionally, the double-wall construction improves efficiency by acting as a thermal insulator, and it has even helped this compact dishwasher earn the coveted Energy Star certification. Equipped with a built-in, 3.5 kW booster heater, the dishwasher also features seven, advanced, bayonet-style wash arms and Insinger’s TempGuard final rinse temperature control that ensures a 180°F final rinse and properly sanitized dishes every time. Features: Energy Star certified, SureFire start up service. Washes up to 30 racks per hour, low water consumption, only 0. 79 gallons per rack.TypeCommercialWidth23 inches wideHeight32 inches tallDepth25 inches deepFeatureEnergy Star

From - 1 month ago