PLANT NOW FOR FALL/SPRING:--Each Auction is for 1 root clumps). **LISTING IS FOR 1 LARGE ROOT CLUMP freshly dug up and trimmed---Plant now and just trimmed to allow the rooting system to develop even more during the fall/winter time and you should have new shoots coming up in springtime depending on your area in the country. ***LIMITED QUANTITY AVAILABLE*** ***TREES HAVE JUST BEEN TRIMMED AS SHOWN IN PICTURES--picture shows approximate size of root clumps just dug up and trimmed--I will not know the size of the clump until they are dug up from the ground... Pictures are clumps removed about a month ago and are already sold. *For larger quantities please email me via the contact seller button here on Ebay, shipping discount for multiple root clumps purchased. **THE PICS ON LISTING ARE ACTUAL PAULOWNIA TREES IN MY CARE THIS YEAR ***VERY FAST GROWING WITH PURPLE FLOWERS SHOWING IN THEIR 2ND or 3RD YEAR OF GROWTH. THESE TREES GROW ABOUT 1/2" A DAY WHEN ESTABLISHED!! THE ROOTS DO TRAVEL SO PLEASE PLANT AT LEAST 15' FROM WATERLINE(S) OR SEPTIC TANK. WILL BE SHIPPED BARE ROOT-- AND WILL BE ALL WRAPPED IN A DAMP PAPER TOWEL/NEWSPAPER-- **IMPORTANT: ONCE YOU RECEIVE YOUR ROOT CLUMPS, PLEASE TAKE OUT OF BOX AND WATER IMMEDIATELY SINCE THEY WILL HAVE BEEN IN A BOX FOR 2 OR 3 DAYS--- UPON PLANTING--WATER DAILY IN THEIR SPOT --NEW GROWTH SHOULD DEVELOP WITHIN ONE TO TWO WEEKS AFTER ARRIVAL----keep in mind that Mother Nature has a mind of her own!!! MULCH IN FOR FALL/WINTER AND NEW GROWTH SHOULD APPEAR IN SPRINGTIME AFTER YOUR LAST FROST **SELLER GUARANTEES THE TREES ARE ALIVE UPON SHIPMENT DUE TO JUST TRIMMING OFF THIS YEARS GROWTH, BUT NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR BUYERS ACTIONS IN PLANTING AND CARE AFTER RECEIPT (PLEASE FOLLOW ABOVE INSTRUCTIONS FOR WATERING AND CARE UPON ARRIVAL). Soil types: Paulownia requires a free-draining, sandy loam type soil and will not tolerate wet or heavy clay-type conditions. Temperature tolerance: Will withstand a low temperature of -10 degrees F and h

From ebay.com - 1 month ago