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Custom, 3 Manual Allen Church Organ with 22 Channels of Audio - $23,500 - (Caledonia, MI)

A very custom Allen organ. Each and every stop has its own sound board. That combined with the number of channels is the reason for the 3 amp racks. No sharing of frequencies here. That, combined with 22 channels, makes for the best sounding Allen out there. Even the local Allen dealer states that he would put this up against any of the new Allen products. It was installed with 2 audio systems (2 complete sets of 22 speakers each). We are selling it with one set of speakers but for an additional $3,500, both sets of speakers can be had. Due to the typical deterioration of the cones, we had them all repaired by the same company that the local Allen dealer uses. The cabinets for the Festival Trumpet have JBL speakers. The specification can be determined in the pics of the jambs. Note the the Vox Humana in the Swell has its own tremolo. (Great and Pedal are under expression.) Speakers for both audio sets (organ comes only with one set, other set can be purchased for an additional $3,500) are as follows: 29 HC-9s, 5 HC-18s, 8 HC-15s and 2 HC-40s. (22 speaker cabinets per set.) Price is for local pick-up only. Organ is located in the basement of one of our homes and is playable should you be interested in potentially purchasing it. Thanks for looking! Harold

Custom, 3 Manual Allen Church Organ with 22 Channels of Audio
Custom, 3 Manual Allen Church Organ with 22 Channels of Audio
Custom, 3 Manual Allen Church Organ with 22 Channels of Audio
Custom, 3 Manual Allen Church Organ with 22 Channels of Audio
Custom, 3 Manual Allen Church Organ with 22 Channels of Audio


Posted in Caledonia, MI, Music Instruments
From - 1 month ago