Home business opportunity for all - (Meridian, ID)
WHAT IS A COOPERATIVE? Cooperatives have been in existence for many years and is one of if not the best business models ever devised by man. A cooperative is an autonomous and duly registered association of persons, with a common bond of interest, who have voluntarily joined together to achieve their social, economic and cultural needs and aspirations by making equitable contributions of capital or enrollment required, patronizing their products and services and accepting a fair share of risks and benefits of the undertaking in accordance with the universally accepted cooperative principles. Please watch this 5 minutes video info of this great way to create financial prosperity........ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZrfDbRl6QB4 then go here to join...... http://needfunding.info/ Yes you can become prosper too!

From Oodle - 1 month ago