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Strong Manufacturing Geothermal Well Grouter Groutmate hydraulic reel diesel - $54,995 - (Harrisburg, PA)

Well Grouter for geothermal wells it is in perfect working condition, very convenient set up with a large trailer. Recently installed new Kubota diesel motor tune up just done, ready to work. The grouting equipment has been built by Strong Manufacturing and used to grout geothermal wells Motor starts perfectly, works great, all hydraulics are in perfect working order. Come see it, call or text me with questions 717-395-5524

Strong Manufacturing Geothermal Well Grouter Groutmate hydraulic reel diesel
Strong Manufacturing Geothermal Well Grouter Groutmate hydraulic reel diesel
Strong Manufacturing Geothermal Well Grouter Groutmate hydraulic reel diesel
Strong Manufacturing Geothermal Well Grouter Groutmate hydraulic reel diesel
Strong Manufacturing Geothermal Well Grouter Groutmate hydraulic reel diesel


Posted in Harrisburg, PA, Business for Sale
From - 1 month ago