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Original Fine 1870's 4/4 French Violin,bow,case.Label Charles Mezin,Paris - $1,200 - (Arthur, NE)

1870's French Violin. Apraised by Denver,Colorado premier Violin luthier shop "Eggen Violin" for $2,400.Label is as seen in the photograph Charles Mezin,Paris. 1870's French made violin,original finish and in good condition for its age as shown.Its playable and with minor adjusments would be ready for use. The violin appraised for $2,200.The bow is marked Reichel.Bow appraised for $200,for a total appraised value of $2,400.The violin and bow also come in the case as shown.

Original Fine 1870's 4/4 French Violin,bow,case.Label Charles Mezin,Paris
Original Fine 1870's 4/4 French Violin,bow,case.Label Charles Mezin,Paris
Original Fine 1870's 4/4 French Violin,bow,case.Label Charles Mezin,Paris
Original Fine 1870's 4/4 French Violin,bow,case.Label Charles Mezin,Paris
Original Fine 1870's 4/4 French Violin,bow,case.Label Charles Mezin,Paris


Posted in Arthur, NE, Music Instruments
From - 1 month ago