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Antique bifocal style reading glasses, no markings, Ladies style? - $300 - (Gordo, AL)

good shape. cleaned up well. probably about a 2 or 3 on the reading glasses scale, not sure. Bifocal style, top part of lens is just clear glass, no magnification. They look like they may have been intended for ladies, but I'm not sure about that either. Could be from mid 1800's to around 1930 or so. The reason they're unmarked is probably because there is really no place to mark them, and the optician's name would have been on the original case. They are now in a Calvin Klein case, but that's for protection only, they are definitely not that brand. Much too lod to be. May or may not be gold filled or plated. Seems like they might be, but with no markings, I can't say for certain.

Antique bifocal style reading glasses, no markings, Ladies style?
Antique bifocal style reading glasses, no markings, Ladies style?
Antique bifocal style reading glasses, no markings, Ladies style?
Antique bifocal style reading glasses, no markings, Ladies style?
Antique bifocal style reading glasses, no markings, Ladies style?


Posted in Gordo, AL, Antiques
From - 1 month ago