Button and Clip pins - Pepsi, Liberty V Loan, ND Political, Kellogg and more HCM - $7 - (Hazen, ND)
This is a group of twenty-one assorted Button and Clip Pins and tie tack and hat pins. 1 - I took the Pepsi Challenge Clip Pin1 - Avis - In any language.. We try harder - print on front and back of Clip pin2 = Cooperative Month October 1979 - good for all Americans pin1 - Hatton Enterprises 1973 - smile face - dirty - rusty back of pin2 - MLT Tours pins1 - Cross Ranch - green in color small pin1 - Plane pin - White background - I can't read the airline on the plane1 - Liberty V Loan - small pin with scratches and dented2 - Hoeven Governor pins1 - 2004 Kerry President and Edwards Vice President pin1 - North Dakota Centennial 1889-1989 pin1 - Vote NO #6 Save N.D. Charities pin - Has 1982 11-2 on the back. 3 - Kellogg's "early bird" breakfast club pins. One is in really good condition. The other two are still in good condition considering the age. What a nice addition to your Kellogg's collection or pin collection. Sioux Tools Tie Tack with Bow logo. The chain is missing the bar on the end. 3/4" wide, gold in color and round in shape. Nice condition otherwise. Hereford Lapel Pin. A little smaller than 3/4" wide. Nice condition. International Harvester (IH) Lapel Pin. New and on the original paper. The pin says Agriculture. Dad wrote 1982 and Eddie on the paper. Pins in good shape with various conditions and some real vintage. See photos and ask if any questions.

From ebay.com - 1 month ago