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Commercial Glass Sliding Door Refridgerators - $6,800 - (Jacksonville, FL)

I am selling 5 commercial sliding glass doors refrigerators as a set . 2 of these have three sliding glass door that are made by true. 1 of these double door mane by true 1 of these has a single glass door made by 1 of these have three sliding glass doors made by turbo Air All units the 5 commercial refrigerator are working great and cools well. They have been used between 2 to 3 years. These are for sale only for a local pick up. Well need to arrange for a pick up & transfer

Commercial Glass Sliding Door Refridgerators
Commercial Glass Sliding Door Refridgerators
Commercial Glass Sliding Door Refridgerators
Commercial Glass Sliding Door Refridgerators
Commercial Glass Sliding Door Refridgerators


Posted in Jacksonville, FL, Business for Sale
From - 1 month ago