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Falk UltraMax Gear Reducer 2110FZX2-AS - $15,000 - (Hudson, MI)

Falk UltraMax Gear Reducer 2110FZX2-ASSurplus equipment liquidation. As seen in pictures, ask if additional information is required, assumed to operate like new.Comes with breather kit (pictured). Turns freely by hand.Item on pallet and we will load on your freight at no charge.Add $75.00 if you want us to build crate around item, otherwise we'll load open as pictured.

Falk UltraMax Gear Reducer 2110FZX2-AS
Falk UltraMax Gear Reducer 2110FZX2-AS
Falk UltraMax Gear Reducer 2110FZX2-AS
Falk UltraMax Gear Reducer 2110FZX2-AS
Falk UltraMax Gear Reducer 2110FZX2-AS


Posted in Hudson, MI, Business for Sale
From - 1 month ago