500 kw Spectrum / DDC MTU Diesel Generator / Genset - Load Bank Tested - $39,500 - (Cooperstown, ND)
500 KW SPECTRUM / DDC MTU DIESEL GENERATOR-Mfg. 2001-Generator End Model Number: 5M4024-Generator Set Model Number: 500DS4-Generator Set Serial Number: 0704237-Generator Set Spec: GM16975-GA1S-Standby Rated at 500 kw / 625 kva-Currently Setup 277/480 Volt, 3 Phase (752 Amps)-10 Lead Reconnectable-60 Hertz, 1800 RPM-24 Battery Volts-Powered by a 15.9L V8 Twin Turbocharged DDC MTU Diesel Engine-Unit Number: 5312001473-S.O. Number: 968830-Model Number: R0837K36-Spec: A 361564-Rated 765 HP @ 1800 RPM-Skid-Mounted-Radiator Cooled-Weatherproof Enclosure-475 Gallon Base Fuel Tank Mfg. by Tramont Corp.-Interior Lighting-Decision-Maker 3+ 16 Light Analog Control Panel-800 Amp 3 Pole Square D Mainline Circuit Breaker-Jacket Water Heater-Alternator-Automatic Battery Charger-Electronic Governor -Mechanical Lift Pump-Common Rail Injector Pump-(4) Vibration Feet (Mounted)-(2) Mufflers (1 Assembly) - Shipped Loose-CSA Approved-222 Total Hours Since New -Dimensions: 185"L x 91"W x 110"H -LOAD BANK TESTED FREIGHT QUOTES are available upon request.We have a large selection of new & used TRANSFER SWITCHES in stock. Please contact us for a quote. Please call with any questions - (701) 371-9526 or (701) 367-4305 Website: abrahamindustrial.com ABRAHAM GENERATOR SALES CO.1008 Sunflower Ave. SECooperstown, ND 58425

From ebay.com - 1 month ago