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Lot of 2 IntegraOptics XFP-W32-10-D 10G 10Km Transceiver - $2,500 - (Superior, WI)

Up For Sale is a Lot of 2 IntegraOptics XFP-W32-10-D 10G 10Km Transceiver Pulled from service, 60 day money back guarantee Thanks for Looking... Not seeing images or just seeing tiny images? You might be on a mobile device. The standard setting for mobile devices only shows the only the first picture, and just a small version of it If you want to see my listing the way its meant to be seen, please scroll to the bottom of the page and choose the "Classic Site" link. Thanks

Lot of 2 IntegraOptics XFP-W32-10-D 10G 10Km Transceiver


Posted in Superior, WI, Business for Sale
From - 1 month ago