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Pure registered arabian - $600 - (Jamestown, TN)

Through no fault of her own Im needing to rehome my Arabian mare. Shes registered has veterinarian paper work and negative coggins. I rescued this mare from a kill pen 6 mons ago. From what I was told her owner paid for fancy ground work lessons then passed away she spent years in a pasture until the property was sold. She is not broke to ride shes very hot blooded and stubborn. She hates loading trailer loading abuse is suspected because she is absolutely terrified of the trailer. I know very few things about horses and went in way over my head with her . I just felt terrible that shed be slaughtered. I live in a community of maybe 3000 and there no horse trainers available. The two we have are either over booked or wont respond to inquiries. She still needs to put on a lot of weight she wont let me look in her mouth so giving her wormicide is a huge struggle because Im afraid and she can feel it. Shes a gorgeous horse that would de nice as a brood mare . Her jumping and trotting is really pretty.


Posted in Jamestown, TN, Animal and Pets
From Equine Now - 1 month ago