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2014 Medicamat Neograft SAFER Automated Hair Transplant Restoration - $53,485 - (Los Angeles, CA)

NEOGRAFT S.A.F.E.R. HAIR TRANSPLANT SYSTEM Up for bid in this auction is a very nice Neograft S.A.F.E.R. Hair Transplant/Restoration system. This machine was recently removed from a practitioner's office, operates normally and comes with all the accessories shown in the photos. Because this system is in proper working condition I am offering it with a 14-Day Guarantee. Buyer pays $25 for packaging PLUS ACTUAL shipping cost. Will ship worldwide. CA residents pay CA sales tax (exemption permits welcome). Feel free to give me a call with any questions at 323-664-8655 or you can Email me by using the "Ask a question" link near the bottom of this frame.

2014 Medicamat Neograft SAFER Automated Hair Transplant Restoration
2014 Medicamat Neograft SAFER Automated Hair Transplant Restoration
2014 Medicamat Neograft SAFER Automated Hair Transplant Restoration
2014 Medicamat Neograft SAFER Automated Hair Transplant Restoration
2014 Medicamat Neograft SAFER Automated Hair Transplant Restoration


Posted in Los Angeles, CA, Business for Sale
From - 1 month ago