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Demétre Chiparus Art Deco Statue beautiful vintage bronze REDUCED - $6,450 - (Fort Mitchell, KY)

A Demétre Chiparus Art Deco statue. This bronze statue depicts a seated woman in a swastikasana pose with arms raised above her head and folded across one another. The woman is dressed in an armored suit with various patterns. The body and face of the woman are gold tone. The statue sits on a green and white marble pattern base with a metal plate that reads “D.H. Chiparus.” The item is marked on the back. The patina is outstanding. CONDITIONVery Good.....Exceptional workDIMENSIONS12.0" W x 16.5" H x 8.0" D....HEAVY REDUCED

Demétre Chiparus Art Deco Statue beautiful vintage bronze REDUCED
Demétre Chiparus Art Deco Statue beautiful vintage bronze REDUCED
Demétre Chiparus Art Deco Statue beautiful vintage bronze REDUCED
Demétre Chiparus Art Deco Statue beautiful vintage bronze REDUCED
Demétre Chiparus Art Deco Statue beautiful vintage bronze REDUCED


Posted in Fort Mitchell, KY, Antiques
From - 1 month ago