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Bandido LX A Stunner in the Show Ring - $65,000 - (Newberry, FL)

Imported Pura Raza Espaola gelding 2007 bay 16.0h FEI. Boasting amazing talent and superior character Bandido LX is a Prix St. GeorgesIntermediate I Pura Raza Espaola now offered for sale at Sunrise Farms. A sweetnatured horse with a big heart characteristic of his noble breed Bandido brought his amateur owner from Training level all the way to 4th level in a single year and earned his rider a bronze medal within 1 calendar year as well. A threetime national champion and twotime reserve champion at the 2017 International Andalusian and Lusitano Horse Association National Championships Bandido was the star of the show and competed in versatile classes including traditional dressage and musical freestyles dressage hacks show hacks dressage equitation multiple inhand classes and even a hunter equitation class! Featuring flowing gaits he is a joy to sit and easy to ride with a handsome engine that he never uses against his rider.


Posted in Newberry, FL, Animal and Pets
From Equine Now - 1 month ago