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Akc white male pups - $700 - (Newtown, VA)

Now taking Deposits : We have four handsome white boys born Monday before Chirstmas that be looking for there forever homes. They all have Snow white coats, they likely have Blue or brown eyes by time they go home ( eye are not open yet). Pups from their Dam, all have outgoing loving personalities and love to play. Comes with 3 rounds of puppy vaccines, wormed, and microchipped. Pups also come with a goody bag that had collar, kennel tag, and lead , treats, sample of food, toys and much more. Pups also come with Flash drive load with help information that covers, medical, training, homemade food, treats, and natural flea and tick items. ( sorry for group photos the dam did not want pups move to do separate photos, lol)

Akc white male pups
Akc white male pups
Akc white male pups


Posted in Newtown, VA, Animal and Pets
From Oodle - 1 month ago