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Vastex Little Red X1 InfraRed Conveyor Dryer for screenprinting-mint condition - $3,300 - (Aberdeen, NC)

Vastex Little Red X1-purchased new; assembled used sparingly * with exhaust (this was an add-on option $300) * Dimensions: (+/- .5") Dryer - 18"H x 39"W x 18"D Table/Conveyor - 48"L x 37"W x 29"H (expandable to longer table since it is modular in design) * Can fit in truck or van. (The heater is not bolted onto the bed.) SAM_5277-Vastex Little Red X1-purchased 12/17-just assembled.JPG (01/18)

Vastex Little Red X1 InfraRed Conveyor Dryer for screenprinting-mint condition
Vastex Little Red X1 InfraRed Conveyor Dryer for screenprinting-mint condition
Vastex Little Red X1 InfraRed Conveyor Dryer for screenprinting-mint condition
Vastex Little Red X1 InfraRed Conveyor Dryer for screenprinting-mint condition
Vastex Little Red X1 InfraRed Conveyor Dryer for screenprinting-mint condition


Posted in Aberdeen, NC, Business for Sale
From - 1 month ago