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Classy Driving Mare Driven On Roads Trails Obstacle Courses And More - $2,500 - (Gallipolis, OH)

Flashy driving mare who has been driven in all manners of situations a number of different carriagescarts and has been driven single or part of a pair. This little mare is also a precious mother producing two foals one filly 1 colt in her time here at the farm and foaled a filly prior to joining our family. All of her offspring have kind natures and sold very quickly when offered for sale. On a simple hayturnout diet she keeps herself in fabulous shape has strong sturdy feet and is UTD on all her vaccinations wormer and farrier care. She is happy to be stalled with a turnout schedule or is quiet happy to be kept out. She has always integrated well with our maresgeldings and has no issue being turned out with a stallion when we have covered her in the past. She is only for sale due to retaining the filly who was foaled at the farm who will be ready for harness training this spring. She is offered for sale via private treaty at 2500 to an approved home.


Posted in Gallipolis, OH, Animal and Pets
From Equine Now - 1 month ago