Get Favorable full Hi-tech Air Ambulance in Bagdogra by Medivic - (Delhi, CA)
Medivic Air Ambulance in Bagdogra is 1 of the best commercial air ambulance services providers in all over India and aboard. We conduct the privately chartered aircraft, jet airways and commercial airline under the high qualified specialist doctor, well-expert paramedical team and longtime experienced medical staff and nurses for the critical patient. Our Air Ambulance in Bagdogra is providing the full advanced portable ventilator, stretcher, wheelchair, and basic and hi-tech life-saving equipment. We consider the bed to bed patient shifting service with the very low cost. !!Inquire Today!! Medivic Air Ambulance Mobile: - +91-956012XXXX +91-965043XXXX EMAIL: - Website:
From Claz - 1 month ago