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toro groundsmaster 4000D - $15,500 - (Abrams, WI)

2011 Toro Groundsmaster 4000D wide area mower. It cuts 11 feet wide through the use of three independently floating decks. Has a 60 HP Kubota Diesel engine, 4 wheel drive, hi/li,air ride seat, reversible coolant fan for cleaning the radiator, and electric lift controls. All hydrostatic drive, and the decks are driven hydraulically also. The mower has 3200 hours on it and has nothing wrong with it all . These are great running, productive mowers that are comfortable to operate. Please call with questions or for additional pictures if required. 9203733815

toro groundsmaster 4000D
toro groundsmaster 4000D
toro groundsmaster 4000D


Posted in Abrams, WI, Farm & Garden
From - 1 month ago