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2014 Bobcat V417 Telehandler Forklift, 520 Hours!!, EROPS, AC/Heat, 75 HP Diesel - $45,900 - (Hanover, PA)

2014 Bobcat V417 Telehandler ForkliftFresh Service, EROPS, Heat/AC, 520 Hours (Hours May Vary Due To Rental), 75 Hp Diesel Engine, 2 Speed, 3 Steering Modes, SSL Quick Attach, Aux Hydraulics, 9.7’ Forward Reach, 10,648 lb Operating Weight, 4400 lb Load Rating, 14-17.5 Tires(60 Day Warranty on Motor and Drive Train, Factory Emissions Warranty Until 5/11/19 Or 3000 Hours) THIS MACHINE IS LOCATED IN HANOVER, PA SERIAL#:AC1C15349STOCK#:U15349 EngineEngine TypeTurbochargedTier 3 emissionsFuel TypeDieselHorsepower75 hpDisplacement230 ciCoolingLiquidHydraulicsStd Pump Flow22 gpm @ 3,626 psiOperationalLift Capacity4,400 lbs.Max Lift Height206 in.Max Reach124 in.Drawbar Pull6,970 lbs.Breakout ForceBucket: 4,721 lbf Boom: 6,744 lbfTravel Speed High15.5 mphTravel Speed Low4.3 mphMax Load Max Reach1,850 lbs.Max Load Full Height4,400 lbs.Bobcat of York Sales, Service and Rentals Authorized Bobcat DealerWarranty On Machines SoldBobcat of York Sales and Rentals401 N Sherman St York PA 17403 FINANCING AND NATION WIDE SHIPPING AVAILABLEPlease Contact Us For A Shipping QuotePaymentBobcat Of York accepts PayPal Payments through eBay for amounts of $1000 or LESS. We accept checks, wire transfers, credit cards(3% service charge), cash and payment on pick up are all acceptable forms of payment. Pennsylvania sales tax is 6% which applies to Pennsylvania residents and all items picked up in Pennsylvania at our location. If you are a farmer and the item purchased is for farm use, or if you are a dealer and have a valid Resale number, you can fill out a tax exemption form which will excuse you from paying the sales tax. Payment in full is due within 7 days. All items purchased from us can remain at our location for 30 days following the close of the auction without incurring any additional charges. However, if an item remains at our location for more than 30 days, the item can be resold to recover storage costs and the original purchaser will not receive any of the proceeds. Nonpayment …

2014 Bobcat V417 Telehandler Forklift, 520 Hours!!, EROPS, AC/Heat, 75 HP Diesel
2014 Bobcat V417 Telehandler Forklift, 520 Hours!!, EROPS, AC/Heat, 75 HP Diesel
2014 Bobcat V417 Telehandler Forklift, 520 Hours!!, EROPS, AC/Heat, 75 HP Diesel


Posted in Hanover, PA, Business for Sale
From - 1 month ago