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hengtian skid steer loader - $28,000 - (Myrtle Beach, SC)

TY-360S skid steer loader is HENGTIAN brand, radial series researched and developed with world latest design standard. It is a new kind of product characterized by high efficiency, safey ,convenience and beauty.It is wheeled type ,all wheel driving and 360 degree skid-steering, wiht quick coupling to attach various attachments at jobsite easily. It can work in different working environments. 800kgs loading capacity, the heavy machine you have. this is with 4 in 1 bucket. SPECIFICATION FOR SKID STEER LOADER MODEL TY-360SItemMain specificationUnits - Metric Units -USAOverall operating height 3850mm151 inBHeight to bucket hinge pin 3000mm118 inCHeight to top of cab 1980mm78 inDHeight to bottom of level bucket2800mm110 inEOverall length without bucket 2708mm107 inFOverall length with bucket 3406mm134 inGDumping angle at maximum height (°)4040HDumping height 2336mm92 inIDumping reach 505mm20 inJRollback of bucket on ground (°)3030 KRollback of bucket at full height (°)9696 LWheelbase 1085mm42.7 inMGround clearance 186mm7.3 inNAngle of departure (°)2626 OTurning radius front without bucket 1270mm50 inPFront turning radius with bucket2032mm80 inQRear turning radius 1650mm65 inSTread width, centerline to centerline 1375mm54.1 inTWidth between outside of two wheels 1625mm64 inUBucket width 1740mm68.5 in Performance Futures..Word first-class quality power system..Original inported hydraulic system..Direct driving from engine to pump..Self-;pclomg throttle adjustable.Rotary type all aluminum radiator . Control system.. Including basic controland high -grade hydraulic control..Skid steer loader in the range of 360 degree.. Optional leveling valve of bucket to keep the bucket level up Cabin.. The cabin is redesigned with high safety standard 2 in 1 for ROPS AND FOPS..Safety protection design including safety belt, bar and seat and safety bumper. A/C including.

hengtian skid steer loader
hengtian skid steer loader


Posted in Myrtle Beach, SC, Farm & Garden
From - 1 month ago