kettle corn gourmet popcorn popper 80 qt with large sift table NEW commercial - $3,000 - (Milan, MO)
(NEW) 80 quart kettle corn popcorn popper (For a limited time free shipping to the lower 48 states and Canada) stainless steel, automatic stirrer with ac adapter and 110 volt plug in, propane hi flow valve with 9 foot propane line, pilot light on burner, measuring cups, stainless steel paddle, and sifting and cooling table and 4 sifting inserts that go inside big plastic storage totes for faster and easier sifting and bagging of popcorn. It also works good for putting cheese flavor on popcorn or mixing flavors just by shaking the tote with the lid on for mixing popcorn. It takes 2 sifting inserts for each big storage tote.The big totes are approximately 32 inches long by 16 inches wide. (NOTE: Does not include the big plastic storage totes) If you are at a event that doesn't have electricity or can use generators. A 1000 watt power inverter can be used but most customers use a 1500 watt power inverter so they can use it on other applications. batch size: 12 plus or minus cups of popcorn (depending on popcorn variety) 1 year warranty only on propane burner and on electrical parts of auto stirrer Below are 2 links on u tube to see videos of kettle corn poppers. The first video ran out of time when recording and had to add the second video to finish showing the product. 80 qt kettle corn popcorn popper video 1 of 2 80 qt kettle corn popcorn popper video 2 of 2 Sifting inserts inside storage totes for faster bagging and mixing of flavors 80 qt kettle corn popcorn popper starting instructions on propane burner and 110 volt auto stirrer 80 quart popper approximate weight is 80 lbs. sorting table approximate weight is 25 lbs. over all measurements: length 61 inches, width 25 inches, height 45 1/2 inches top of popper: length 24 inches, width 25 inches, height 41 inches sorting table: length 48 1/2 inches, width 25 inches, height 28 in

From - 1 month ago