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Standard Horizon Matrix GX2000 VHF w/Optional AIS Input 30W PA - *Case of 5* - $12,146 - (Bayville, NJ)

Standard Horizon Matrix GX2000 VHF w/Optional AIS Input 30W PA - *Case of 5* Description Matrix GX2000 VHF w/Optional AIS Input 30W PA - *Case of 5* AIS Input Have an AIS receiver or transponder on your vessel? The GX2000 MATRIX is the perfect radio of choice for you! When the MATRIX is connected to a AIS receiver or transponder (with VDM AIS sentence output at 38400 baud) the display will show AIS targets simply by pressing the dedicated AIS key. The MATRIX will display AIS MMSI, Call Sign, Ship Name, BRG, DST, SOG and COG and will allow you to contact an AIS Ship directly using DSC, show your vessels position in relation to AIS targets and alert you when an AIS ship may be approaching to close to your location via the Closest Point of Approach (CPA) Alarm. Navigate to Waypoints The MATRIX is capable of entering and saving up to 100 waypoints. These waypoints may be selected and navigated to by using a unique navigation compass display that shows your vessels SOG, COG, BRG (Bearing) and DST (Distance) to the waypoint when connected to an external GPS. Digital Selective Calling (DSC) The MATRIX is Class D class DSC VHF with a separate Channel 70 receiver, which allows DSC calls to be received even when listening to traffic on Marine VHF channels. The DSC DISTRESS function when activated transmits a digital MAYDAY including vessel identification, Latitude / Longitude and time (with GPS connected), to facilitate prompt response. Additional calls that can be made are Individual, All ship - Urgency and Safety, Group, Position report and position request calls. DSC Position Polling and NMEA in/output Easily share position information with other DSC equipped vessels using the position request and position reporting functions. With the push of a few buttons you can request the position of another vessel, or simply send your position information to the vessel you select. The GPS Position of a received DSC Distre Package Includes Standard Horizon Matrix GX2000 VHF w/Optio…

Standard Horizon Matrix GX2000 VHF w/Optional AIS Input 30W PA - *Case of 5*
Standard Horizon Matrix GX2000 VHF w/Optional AIS Input 30W PA - *Case of 5*


Posted in Bayville, NJ, Electronics
From - 1 month ago