Nikon SMZ-1500 Stereozoom Trinocular Microscope & Desktop Rack Stand Video Nice - $5,299 - (Eureka, CA)
Nice Nikon SMZ-1500 Trinocular Stereozoom Microscope on Nikon Desktop Rack Stand Nikon C-W10X/22 adjustable diopter eyepieces in excellent condition and HR Plan Apo 1X objective, for 7.5-112X magnification; all optics are clean, in excellent condition and good alignment. Scope is in excellent operating condition ready to go.Includes like new AMG bifurcate LED illuminator, and Sony Super Exwave color video camera and power source in good operating condition. Nikon rack stand offers both coarse and fine focus adjustment, in excellent condition. Zoom optics include integrated diaphragm for depth of field adjustment. This is a beautiful professional scope. Shipping $50 in contl US. Paypal preferred. CA residents ad 7.75% sales tax.

From - 1 month ago