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Kansa 480 Newspaper inserter, mid 90’s. 5 station (4 into 1), 12,000 hr., - $13,500 - (Monroe, NC)

Kansa 480 Newspaper inserter, mid 90’s. 5 station (4 into 1), 12,000 hr., Under power, Please make offers Need to sell!!!! Buyer will need to pick up. Please contact us if shipping is required

Kansa 480 Newspaper inserter, mid 90’s. 5 station (4 into 1), 12,000 hr.,
Kansa 480 Newspaper inserter, mid 90’s. 5 station (4 into 1), 12,000 hr.,
Kansa 480 Newspaper inserter, mid 90’s. 5 station (4 into 1), 12,000 hr.,


Posted in Monroe, NC, Business for Sale
From - 1 month ago