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Antique Hunzinger Twisted Barley Lollipop Rocker Armchair. 19th Cent Rare - $2,176 - (Jonesville, LA)

This is a very unique and rare hunzinger lollipop barley twist rocker arm chair. Crafted in the 1800's by German craftsman in the US. It has cross stitch upholstery cover that may not be original but is very old and beautiful.

Antique Hunzinger Twisted Barley Lollipop Rocker Armchair.  19th Cent Rare
Antique Hunzinger Twisted Barley Lollipop Rocker Armchair.  19th Cent Rare
Antique Hunzinger Twisted Barley Lollipop Rocker Armchair.  19th Cent Rare


Posted in Jonesville, LA, Antiques
From - 1 month ago