read the story 37 39 garton pedal fire truck all orig don't miss owning this - $6,885 - (Whitney, TX)
all original original paint1937 39 garton pedal fire truck with great provenance one of akind news paperreads brandon scott werstler 21 months rings the bell with his father ronald on the antique fire truck that wasgivin him monday by owners of darryls resturant the car which was displayed as awall hanging at the mobile resturaunt caught brandons attention prompting his father to ask the manager if he coul d buythe toy instead the manager told werstler that the owners of the resturaunt chain would just give thecar to brandon who is afflicted cystic fibrosis photo by bill starling staff photographer back tiresworn flat view pics contact any ? starling worked for the mobile press inthe 90s purchased in storage auction all orig orig paint neverseen one with name on hood

From - 1 month ago