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Price Reduced!! ENTIRE STORE INVENTORY FOR SALE for $69,000 - $69,000 - (Ashtabula, OH)

Entire inventory of discount store over 10,000 square-foot store and a 9000 square-foot warehouse full of inventory, household, kitchen ware, toys, flowers, gifts, party items, tools, cleaning products, jewelry, hair products, bathroom products, books, Stationary and much us for more details this deal does not include the shelves Our lease is up in a few months, therefore we have no option thento take a lost and reduce the price to $69,000 . Please serious buyers inquires only!

Price Reduced!! ENTIRE STORE INVENTORY FOR SALE for $69,000
Price Reduced!! ENTIRE STORE INVENTORY FOR SALE for $69,000
Price Reduced!! ENTIRE STORE INVENTORY FOR SALE for $69,000


Posted in Ashtabula, OH, Business for Sale
From - 1 month ago