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solid white trail horse with blue eyes flashy - $1,500 - (Palmyra, IN)

Ice is absolutely lovely. Big hip and wide chest. Stocky. Solid white with blue eyes. Very flashy! Gets compliments everywhere she goes! She has mostly been used as a trail horse all her life. She will ride alone or in a group. Will cross water rocks fallen trees etc with no issues. She does have potential for other disciplines if you desire. Very healthy. Sounds. Veterinarian exams welcome. Easy to catch handle and ride. She will stand tied lunge etc without issues. She sells utd on vaccines dewormer and hoofcare. She is an extremely easy keeper. She does require a handlerrider that at least know the basics of horsemanship and riding. Asking 1500 neg. Thank you!


Posted in Palmyra, IN, Animal and Pets
From Equine Now - 1 month ago