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American Warmblood Gelding - $7,000 - (Aztec, NM)

This spectacular and special four year old gelding can do it all! Bellinos dam is premium Holsteiner mare Carmen Caligula ll x Cambridge and Quarter sire Sammy Bug that passed on his athletism and charisma this combination produced a spectacular 1 of a kind boy with the best from both breeds. Started gently under saddle and still growing he is now ready to start his career and meet his person. Home bred and raised in a small sound herd environment with daily handling and still with his breeder. Bellino is UTD on everything and bathes clips trailers quietly and stands quiet for farrier he is 1 of a kind horse that truly will be someones once in a lifetime horse. For sale due to health reasons and downsizing the horse farm

American Warmblood Gelding
American Warmblood Gelding


Posted in Aztec, NM, Animal and Pets
From Equine Now - 1 month ago