Athletic EventerJumper Prospect - $7,200 - (Aiken, SC)
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Posted 1 month ago
Cradle Robin is a 6yr Old Thoroughbred mare standing at 16.1h. She had a successful racing career and retired sound and sane. Robin has a good work ethic and absolutely enjoys her her career path. Shes incredibly smart and picks up new tasks quickly and effectively. She has had 60 days of retraining and has mastered the basics of flatwork and is jumping around small 26 courses with ease. She is a bold brave inyourhand ride with a soft mouth. VERY honest and has absolutely no buckboltbite etc. Hacks out and has schooled through water. She trailers crossties stands good. She is a mild cribber but it is completely stopped with a collar.
From Equine Now - 1 month ago